Hello world!

Preparing for the Camino is not just arranging flight tickets, getting useful shoes, USB-Charger etc – it’s also about brushing up the Social Precense. And there is a lot of do in this area for me! Walking the Camino is about weight, whatever you bring you have to carry with you for 800 KM! So bringing a Laptop is perhaps not prio #1. Therefore I will try to be as mobile as possible – and that’s not easy for an old fart as me. Typewriters and keyboards I like! One finger mobile writing is however not my cup of tea! But let’s see – i’ll start with this page on my computer and hopefully the other posts will be through my tablet or phone!

Talking about phones and modern technology, while brushing up my physics I stumble upon this classic phonebox. Can still remember putting in all the coins needed to make a call, and most of them just got lost ….

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13 Responses to Hello world!

  1. MAriëtte Smits says:

    Hi Sten,

    Really nice site!! Very impressingI will follow you that’s for sure. Maybe a graphical routeplan would be nice too (for the OLD blond ones)

    Wish you and your WIFE All The BesT
    WHAT a Challenge!!.

  2. Sten says:

    THANKS! Going this camino i’m absolutely in need of good advice. had the map on the wall so no i put in the cities there so even i know where to go!

  3. Matthewjal says:

  4. Charlesjug says:

    read this article https://mercenaries.pw

  5. Emmettaligo says:

    i was reading this https://ssn.is

  6. LesterCal says:

    https://job-opros.ru/udalennaja-rabota-na-domu-sposoby-zarabotka-v-internete/ – удаленная работа на дому, заработать на своих отзывах в интернете

  7. Lucienwap says:

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