Today, walking in the sunrise, I saw the clouds and got some flashbacks from previous visits from art museums. If you have visited one you probably know what I’m talking about. The first hour you pay attention but then going through room after room with beautiful Dutch and Flemish paintings it all melts together. Today I remember all the clouds and realised how beautiful they are, but also how insufficiencient(?) a photo is in catching their richness. Well, it’s not so easy to bring your own 17th century painter with you along the Camino, so it has to be “Apple van der Iphone”.
And like the clouds in the sky we, the pilgrims of different kinds, fly scattered along the Camino. A few days ago we again meet the sweet ladies from our first days in Orisson by random and luck, and it was so nice, just to have a short greeting, catching up on good and bad things happening us since last. Yesterday at the hostel and the common dinner, we got the opportunity to share the “war stories of the Camino”. There is surprisingly a lot to talk about and absolutely about other pilgrims seen or met. Like the one with the very small charming dog, the one with the donkey, but also listen to some that had been out for several months (years?) or doing the Camino for fourth or fifth time. And there is only kind and inspiring words, the Camino is no competition and we all share the same physical challenges and curiosity how to manage these challenges in the best way. And like the clouds in the sky we then disappear to appear some other place some other time.