Today has been a long walk on asphalt and my knees and legs absolutely hate that, and they are not late to tell that! Ouch! And tomorrow is the big vertical clump up to O Cebrerio! Let’s see how that will work!
The thing to see here in Vega is the castle, just an hour walk from the city. Will I do that? No! I’m just staying in bed trying to calm my feet down!
So besides walking I have been looking at a lot of potential renovation project. We have a couple things we need to do back home to our house in Sweden. But looking at the things you need to do here, the things at home is absolutely minor ones. So, where to start with a house like this one? Or should you keep it shabby chic – you could always use your poncho if it should start to rain!
I have told about my little evil morning activities? Well, this is how you do it! When walking in the dark you may think that everyone is sleeping … but you can’t be more wrong about that! There are plenty of dogs that people have in their gardens, balconies or wherever they can stuff them in. And the dogs can hear you! The first time I got shit scared when a dog suddenly start to bark loudly close to me. But now I just need to slightly turn towards them showing some light. And if I’m lucky, that makes most of them completely mad, barking like h..ll! And then the next door dog wakes up and starts to bark and then the next and the next. Hi hi! It’s so funny!! I call it “morning prelude in C Major for badly tempered dogs!” – concerts given mornings around five!